Sunday, April 1, 2012


yesterday again:
I took these shoes out for a spin yesterday trying to work them in WHILE I took photos of pigeons squirrels and backlit sea lions. I do have intensions for this.
I'm not sure if you guys understood, but I am now the volunteer photographer at SOS and for that, I have a pretty hefty list of needs and wants from them. One is an awareness photo of a sea animal in entanglement. They only have one that they really use and it's of an otter trying to save her baby from a plastic bag. (true and heart wrenching story) The thing is, this photo is used all over the world and they don't even have the rights for it. So, if this semester I can beat that photograph (an I don't even know that I want to) I need to know how to take photos of wild life eek. So not me, but it's a challenge. And I like that. 

Sooo, with that I'd like to leave all you with a vote. 

Which pigeon shot do you like best?

oh, and please, constructive criticism would save me from embarrassment in the future. What can I do better?

I know that next time, I wont leave the house without my telephoto, and I'm considering a tripod. 
All these shots where cropped to the bone and are way out of focus. no bueno.

now it's your turn. =]

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