Friday, January 27, 2012


I'm sorry for the gruesomeness (and the blurry picture) but this is what I was faced with yesterday at the hospital:

I didn't have much time from all the running around to really give you any input on my day yesterday, but believe me it was weird.
Today went a little smoother. The only bummer was waking up past noon. I always feel super groggy just from those hours of sleeping in, but boy did I need 'em. After that, while my oatmeal was cooking, I tried the instant coffee trial and boy did I make a mistake. Now, the mistake wasn't the instant coffee which you may have thought, but is how I put it together. I guess there's a big trick to making instant coffee, but whatever I did today was upsidedown and backwards. how complicated can it be? a spoon of this a spoon of that hot water and vois la! The bummer is, I didn't get a nice kickstart to this day because of that but lucky me I work at a coffee so nearing 2 I got my cup of coffee.
I biked to the gym afterwork only to find out it was CROWDED and so I had to X my run and X the boulder, so the only place left was the back where I worked out for a bit just after riding home.

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