ahhhhhhh....that's better =]
The comfort of my own home camera.
boy do I LOVE being in control of everything I capture and having an actual respectable outcome.
I do admit, yesterday did feel a whole lot like blogger style but I can't live without the quality of a good photo. It's like where I find satisfaction. Without quality is like a run with no water or a climbing in skinny jeans. It's just not satisfying (and for the fisrt example kind of a death trap)
any how, I am going to be using a little bit of both (since I can't bring my Nikon DSLR on a 10 mile run). And even if I don't get the quality with my point and shoot, I'll still get the substance, and that's what counts =]
Today I did run. But NOT with my new shoes. I still am trying to "work" them before I take them for a stroll if you know what I mean. They're new, and very stiff and I can only see a blister coming out of that equation. So lets just see today as my LAST day with my 5 year old "everything" shoes. It's sad yet exciting.
NOT as exciting as this photo:
yes, that's what I look like after. Running's not always hott. nope
lets take a moment of silence:
oh, and yes, that used to be completely white.
one more thing, I got this shirt from the thrift store today for a buck. thats $19 less than a "real store" ca-ching!
Thank you so much for all your support.
How long have you had your running shoes for?